April 2018


Following bad news after bad news for the Great Barrier Reef, the Australian government has pledged a large sum of money for its preservation.

More than A$500 million (US$379 million) has been been promised in a funding package to protect and restore the reef. 

The money will be used for improving water quality, mitigating coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish, and general reef restoration.

"We'll be improving the monitoring of the reef's health and the measurement of its impacts," environment minister Josh Frydenberg told ABC News. "The more we understand about the reef, the better we can protect it." Read more...

More about Australia, Climate, Science, Climate Change, and Great Barrier Reef

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Kanye West's admiration for Emma Gonzalez may not have landed as he'd hoped.

In the latest instalment of the superstar's debate-triggering Twitter thoughts, West tweeted on Sunday his admiration for the high school senior, survivor of the shooting in Parkland, Florida, and now gun control activist. 

He posted the words "my hero" alongside an image of Gonzalez at CNN's Town Hall following the Parkland school shooting in February.

my hero Emma Gonzalez pic.twitter.com/aSdFmraenU

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 29, 2018

More about Twitter, Kanye West, Emma Gonzalez, Parkland Shooting, and March For Our Lives

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Only in 2018.

It all started on Saturday when a very nice young woman did a very nice thing. She found a little girl crying outside her house and offered to help by fixing the sad situation she was in: Not having enough money to get ice cream from an ice cream truck.

Like any reasonable person with a little cash on hand, the nice young woman gave the little girl some money so she could enjoy some ice cream with her friends.

The nice young woman, named Zara (Itsallzara on Twitter and her website), describes herself as a "22 year old Vegan blogger." That's an important detail, as you'll soon learn. She recounted her story in a tweet only to fall victim to the horrible, horrible reality that is social media: shitty men that feel the need to explain why that nice and reasonable thing you did is insanely wrong. Read more...

More about Watercooler, Vegan, Ice Cream, Mansplaining, and Culture

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Teslas can do some pretty amazing things. From self-parking abilities to its semiautonomous Autopilot mode, the cars can definitely feel like the future. 

And yet, that doesn't mean you can just kick back in the passenger seat while Autopilot is engaged.

A British Tesla owner has found himself in hot water for doing just that, though. Bhavesh Patel, has been banned from driving for 18 months after a court found him guilty of dangerous driving for sitting in the passenger seat while his Tesla drove through traffic, according to The New York Times. Read more...

More about Tech, Transportation, Tesla, Autonomous Cars, and Tech

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When a mother wants some parrots, she's going to get some parrots.

In a hilarious Twitter thread full of twists, turns, and birds, Twitter user Himynameisnoor documented a very interesting day she had in which her mother, after years of holding off, finally went and bought parrots.

It sounds odd, but Noor explains all of it, starting with a secretive phone call she received from her mother on Saturday morning.

She called and whispered “can you keep a secret”

Me: Um... sure?

Mum: I need you to come with me to go get a parrot.

Me: What??? Mum, not again.

Mum: please just come, if you don’t, I’ll go alone


— Noor (@Himynameisnoor) April 28, 2018

More about Watercooler, Twitter, Family, Birds, and Parrots

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T-Mobile and Sprint have finally agreed to a $26.5 billion deal that will make T-Mobile the third-largest carrier in the United States, the companies announced Sunday. 

T-Mobile CEO John Legere will be CEO of the new company, which will continue under the T-Mobile name.

The agreement comes after two previous failed attempts to merge the two carriers. The most recent was in November of last year, when talks between the two companies fell apart amid reported disagreements over Sprint's valuation and SoftBank's reluctance to cede control of Sprint. 

So what changed in the last five months? Well, T-Mobile parent company Deutsche Telekom and Sprint parent SoftBank reached an agreement that valued Sprint at $26.5 billion for one. Sprint Chairman and Softbank CEO Masayoshi Son will also serve on the board of the new T-Mobile, Bloomberg reportedRead more...

More about Tech, Sprint, Tmobile, Tech, and Big Tech Companies

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The New Yorker reviewed Avengers: Infinity War and people are not having it. At all.

The New Yorker movie reviewer Richard Brody wasn't a big fan of Infinity War, with one of his biggest grievances being that it relied too much on the groundwork set in the movies that came before it. Considering Infinity War was advertised as a culmination of 10 years of Marvel movies, the internet was understandably unhappy with Brody's criticism.

Here's the crux of Brody's review that has the internet in a tizzy:

People took to Twitter to make fun of Brody's criticism, likening him to complaining about starting any series at all on anything except the first movie or season. Read more...

More about Movies, Marvel, New Yorker, Avengers Infinity War, and Mcu

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Solo: A Star Wars Story won't be out until May 25, but here's a new behind the scenes featurette to keep you busy.

Director Ron Howard and stars Alden Ehrenreich, Donald Glover, and Emilia Clarke share their thoughts on how the new movie shapes our understanding of Han Solo as a character. Sprinkled in alongside the interviews are clips from the movie, many of which are new.

If you prefer your teases to come in the form of a trailer, there's also this new TV spot that dropped on Saturday.

More about Entertainment, Film, Star Wars, Solo A Star Wars Story, and Entertainment

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Nothing can touch Avengers: Infinity War.

With an estimated U.S. box office total of $250 million, Marvel's latest is officially set to claim the record of biggest opening weekend of all time. Nothing will be official until the final figures are tallied on Monday, but this record is likely to stand.

Infinity War unseats previous record-holder Star Wars: The Force Awakens ($248 million) from its #1 berth. Those two, plus Star Wars: The Last Jedi ($220 million), means the top three opening weekends in the U.S. of all time belong to Disney movies.

The stats get even crazier from there: 6 of the top 10 opening weekends are Marvel movies. 9 out of the top 10 are Disney moviesInfinity War officially pushed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 ($169.2 million) to #11, and Jurassic World ($208.8 million) — the only non-Disney contender — to #4. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Film, Marvel, Box Office, and Avengers Infinity War

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Sometimes a kid needs to feel like a superhero.

Inspired by Avengers: Infinity War, photographer Josh Rossi created a new project that turned kids who have been victims of bullying into superheroes, letting them forget about their daily struggles and feel empowered.

For the project, 15 children got to dress up as their favorite Avengers to unite and fight back against bullying.

The project details each child and the kind of bullying they face, whether because of things they were born with that make them a little different, their ethnicity, their identity, or just being singled out for seemingly no reason at all. Read more...

More about Movies, Social Good, Bullying, Avengers Infinity War, and Josh Rossi

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On Saturday night, a political firebrand with striking hair and a funny voice said a bunch of provocative stuff in front of a large crowd. Elsewhere, comedian Michelle Wolf hosted the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner (#WHCD).

While Wolf was busy jabbing D.C. and media elite mercilessly (as you can see in the video above), Donald Trump was doing his Donald Trump thing in Michigan. He spent an hour-plus vaguely threatening Democrats, complaining about the Russia investigation, and threatening a government shutdown if his long-sought border wall with Mexico isn't built.

More about Politics, Culture, Donald Trump, White House Correspondents Dinner, and Michelle Wolf

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In 2007, Apple changed the act of socializing, maybe forever, with the release of the iPhone. There it was, a perfectly packed 4.5-inch-long computer designed to pulverize boredom like a drill through your skull. You bought one, and now, whenever you have a few minutes of downtime, even if that downtime is shared with your friends or spouse or mom at Christmas, you tap or scroll or swipe something on that little glass screen. 

To own a smartphone is to cede some part of yourself to it. The device is too innately fascinating to be conquered by lifehacks, which feel like treating a hernia with vinyasa flow. So, three years ago, Apple released the Apple Watch, promising a better way forward. It's a mini-computer you strap to your wrist to free yourself of the one you carry in your pocket. Apple's promises then are worth reconsidering today, after years of modest improvements to the wearable, because the fundamental problem — tech interrupting and shaping our natural lives — remains unsolved. Read more...

More about Apple, Iphone, Ios, Apple Watch, and Watchos

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In 2014, scientists clad in thick neon orange suits stepped off a research vessel and visited five different patches of pristine-looking Arctic sea ice. As these researchers discovered, the blinding white ice in the remote north looks awfully pure, but its appearance is deceiving. 

After removing cores of ice from the frozen ground, the research team found it contained up to 12,000 tiny to microscopic bits of plastic, some from cigarette filters, some from paint, and others that were degraded pieces of common litter. The amount of plastic found was over double the numbers previously seen in Arctic sea ice.  Read more...

More about Science, Arctic Sea Ice, Arctic Ocean, Plastic Pollution, and Microplastics

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This post is part of Mashable's Spring Cleaning Week. Just a little something to distract you from the eternal dread of constantly wiping all those fingerprints off your screen. 

If you've recently upgraded to a new phone, you might have noticed an annoying, not to mention costly, problem. 

Yes, if you've got a new iPhone X or iPhone 8 Plus, that sucker probably uses a LOT of data, thanks to the jump in screen resolution, the new screen size, and a spiffy new version of iOS. Chances are, it's more than you're used to using, especially if you made a leap from using something like an iPhone 6.   Read more...

More about Tech, Iphone, Spring Cleaning, Iphone X, and Iphone 8 Plus

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Printing photos is making a comeback, with companies like Artifact Uprising and TurnGram encouraging users to bring their iPhone pics into — gasp — the physical realm.

One particularly pleasant service is NanaGram, which will mail 10 4x4 or 4x6 photos of your choice to your grandparents — or any relative, really, but it's cutest to say grandparents — for a fixed rate of $7.99 every month. (This is the most basic package, but you can also pay more to send more photos.)

NanaGram does not have an app — a nice perk for those whose phone storage is perpetually full. Instead, users text photos with captions to a phone number connected to their account. This also means that multiple people (siblings, cousins, etc.) can use the number, distinguishing NanaGram from similar services. It's like sharing a Netflix account, but with your relatives and for a kind reason. Nice! Read more...

More about Family Parenting, Photos, Culture, Startups, and Work Life

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Under a new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) policy unveiled on Monday, burning forest products, known as biomass, will now be considered a "carbon neutral" fuel source. 

The EPA's action, which EPA administrator Scott Pruitt announced before an audience of Georgia timber industry leaders, for now settles the question of whether chopping down trees, turning them into wood pellets, and then shipping them to power plants where they're burned for fuel will be counted as a renewable source of fuel like solar panels or wind turbines.

More about Science, Global Warming, Climate Change, Scott Pruitt, and Bioenergy

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More about Donald Trump, Handshake, Emanuel Macron, Culture, and Web Culture

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