On Earth Day, here are the best tools for keeping tabs on our home planet


We have more information about the health of planet Earth than ever before, and lots of exciting new initiatives that will put data tools at your fingertips. Whether you're looking for global trends in wind power generation or solar installations, detailed monitoring about deforestation, or real-time weather and climate science variables, there's a way to find out what human activities are doing to our home planet.

It's all plainly evident on your computer screen, if not in your backyard. 

In writing about climate change and other environmental challenges for the better part of two decades, I've relied on many databases — from governments, nonprofits, and private sector sources — to inform and illustrate stories. You should feel empowered to use these tools, too. The more information we have, the better decisions we can make.  Read more...

More about Climate, Science, Global Warming, Climate Change, and Earth Day

via Tingle Tech

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