This story about an office lunch theft is so good, you must read it


Everything was fine until somebody touched the shrimp fried rice.

The communal office fridge is one of the most contentious areas of any office. Long lost leftovers go forgotten until it's hard for anyone to avoid the stench, unorganized stackers become apparent, and  inevitably, someone's precious food or condiment will be violated. There are a few unspoken fridge rules for any office, however, the golden rule is to never, ever eat or discard someone's lunch. Ever. 

Comedian Zak Toscani shared a controversial tale of an office lunch gone wrong, which he says started Thursday evening after his coworker noticed their lunch had gone missing from the fridge. We were unable to confirm the events actually took place (this may be a big joke ... he's a comedian after all), but the story is so good, it must be read. Read more...

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