Why summer is hell for people who wear glasses


Ah, summer. It's the time of sunshine, barbecues, beach trips, and abbreviated Fridays. It's also the time when I, at least six times per day, want to pitch my stupid glasses into the beautiful, sparkling ocean.

Summer is absolute hell for the glasses wearer. We don't talk about this enough! Sure, it is a "mild annoyance" and "not that big of a deal," but the sooner we give voice to these issues, the sooner I can stop complaining about them at parties and ruining the vibe.

Fellow glasses people, are you with me?

Let's begin with sunglasses, which are a whole thing for us. Prescription sunglasses exist, yes, but they are expensive — often as expensive as a regular pair of glasses. Even if you do manage to acquire a pair, you have to deal with the awkward dance between your prescription sunglasses and your regular glasses.  Read more...

More about Summer, Glasses, Culture, and Web Culture

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