In defense of Parmesan cheese from a can


Mashable bites into a creamy, nutty, gooey, and sometimes stinky world during our first-ever Cheese Week.

One of the food world's most maligned items is powdery, canned parmesan cheese. This is understandable: Pre-grated cheese lacks the delicious complexity of actual Parmigiano Reggiano, and yes, there's the whole sawdust filler thing. We get it! 

But the packaged stuff isn't all bad. In fact, just as a slice of American cheese is somehow perfect on an egg sandwich, shelf-stable Parmesan has a purpose to serve in the world. All you have to do is open your mind.

First, let's address the most obvious advantages of Parm in a can: convenience and cost. You don't need to worry about wasting the stuff like you would a fancier cheese, because it generally costs around $4 for 8 ounces. In fact, you can simply dump it on stuff — a monumentally freeing and beautiful experience. The worst mistake you can make is accidentally using the pour side instead of the shaker side, which is not really a mistake at all. Read more...

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